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The lead singer of Come What May. Luke is incredibly confident and always throws himself into any situation when it comes to his music. He can often be seen playing pranks on his fellow band members due to his playful nature, but this comes from a deep connection to his music and the band.


One of Come What May's two guitarists alongside Amber. Shay is the most mischievous member of the band, second only to Luke, though her head is often up in the clouds. But don't be fooled by her quirky attitude: Shay's commitment and obsession to her passions can surmount in a fiery devotion.


One of Come What May's two guitarists alongside Shay. Amber is more sullen compared to some of the other member's of the band, but her passion for the guitar is unrivalled. When she isn't practicing her skateboarding, Amber can often be found experimenting with various guitar riffs for the band's latest songs.

Seb is the drummer of Come What May, and easily the most reserved member of the band. Though he doesn't share the same lively vigour of the other band members, his role is essential as his composure is what ties the group together.


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